A Journalist Poses the Right Question.


As I’ve said before, it’s always a great boost when I find ideas I’ve been espousing myself in a professional, reputable source. Anne Applebaum is a recognized scholar on Eastern Europe and its history since World War II; she has written a magisterial book on the subject. (So magisterial that I found it impossible to read, but her scholarship is undeniable.) She has also been smeared by Breitbart News, a distinction that always adds credence to anyone in my book!

So she has an excellent article in the Washington Post today, saying about the Trump/Russian revelations basically what I said about the Access Hollywood tapes: Why is anyone surprised or shocked? It’s only reinforcement of what we already knew. She also says, “How could salacious Russian “ kompromat ,” or compromising material, be used to blackmail someone as shameless as Trump?”

Good question, Anne! Read the article in full:

“Stop obsessing over ‘secrets’ about Trump and Russia. What we already know is bad enough.”