I have been accused and accused of flying in the face of God because of my decision to vote for Hillary Clinton. So I will say it once again: I am pulling the lever next to her name because that is the only way I can help keep Donald Trump out of the White House. That is the only legitimate action I can take as a citizen, and I do not take that action lightly. I will not stay home, and I will not throw my vote away on a third-party candidate. I am therefore left with this one terrible option. I encourage you, nay, beg you, to read the following two articles.
There is no segment of the GOP coalition that has fared worse in 2016 than evangelical conservatives. They not only failed to lift any of their favorites (e.g. Sen. Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee) to the nomination, but they also wound up embracing someone who quite obviously cares very little about their issues — and, in fact, has been an enthusiastic, pro-choice Democrat.
“Trump Dispatches Pence to Meet Evangelicals”
Next, from Erick Erickson, a devout Christian, from The Resurgent website:
Seeing men like Wayne Grudem and others beclown themselves trying to justify support of a man like Trump makes me weep for the shallow faith of a church more wrapped up in its Americanness than its Godliness.
“Reconsidering My Opposition to Trump”
Be sure to read the entire article! While I do not agree with his conclusion, which is that he will vote for neither candidate, since I firmly believe that to refuse to choose is to choose, especially if there is a chance that Trump might actually win, I cannot applaud him enough for his refusal to give in to the colossally misguided attempts to paint Trump as a friend of conservatism and Christianity.