Seems like an appropriate topic for the Christmas season, doesn’t it? An examination of the political/religious situation in the little town of Bethlehem. (Not so little, as you can see in the picture.) Did you know that the mayor of Bethlehem is an Arab Christian? I sure didn’t.
At some point soon I want to track down and post material from the Christian partor Victor Sadaka on the situation, but for now I’ll post the following.
The problem with the issues in this part of the world are the same as the ones in any part of the world: they defy simple explanations or solutions. But nuanced, informed discussion is becoming less and less easy to come by in our increasingly polarized politics. If your position can’t be summed up in a sentence or two, forget it! But there are reasonable voices out there, if only we will listen to them. So, as you sit among the detritus of yesterday’s present-unwrapping spree, I’d encourage you to read the following.
“Evangelicals side with Israel. That’s Hurting Palestinian Christians.”