Don’t Mistake My Position.


There seems to be some misunderstanding about my stance in this election.  I have said from the beginning, unmistakably and unequivocally, that I consider Hillary to be the lesser of two evils, that our choice is between on the one hand someone whose positions on many issues I totally disagree with, including abortion, and who has her own share of very troubling baggage, and on the other hand someone who is dangerously unstable and whose words are those of a demagogue.  That does not mean that I “hate” Donald Trump personally.  I do fear and despise what he is doing to this country.

Now that Trump is seeing his polls start to slide he’s back to the same accusation he used in the primaries when his numbers weren’t good: the system is rigged.  Funny thing, he didn’t think anything was rigged when he was doing well.  This is a man who implied support for violence if he didn’t get the nomination.  Now he’s facing defeat in the election, and I’m tempted to be very frightened about what will happen then.  

But I do believe that as the drumbeat of this campaign goes on the vast majority of Americans will see Trump for what he is and turn away from him.  Let me make a prophecy here, my friends: if and when that happens (and I do believe it will be when), you will see a meltdown of such epic proportions that there will no longer be any doubt about Trump and his “temperament.”  And we will all breathe a collective sigh of relief as we realize how close the bullet came that has now passed over our heads.

And then we conservatives will get to work to gather the fragments of the Republican party and support someone decent and electable in 2020.  How much better it would have been if that had happened this year.