Well, the DNC is now half over. I’ve declared a moratorium on sitting in front of the TV and watching it, so tonight I’ll be painting the deck and listening to it on the radio. No matter what your stance in this election you’ll have to acknowledge the stark contrast between Ted Cruz’s being booed off the stage for refusing to endorse Trump and Bernie Sanders’ call for a unanimous approval for Clinton. I have a feeling that there was plenty of arm-twisting behind the scenes to produce that result, but who knows? And my goodness! As I said to Gideon last night after Bill Clinton’s speech, “Did she really do all that stuff? It would have taken six people, surely.” I haven’t taken the time this morning to go to the fact-checking websites to see how much of his speech was accurate. You have to hand it to the man, though: he knows how to get a crowd to listen to him.
I’m going to shamelessly depend on The Federalist again today for thoughtful commentary. There are a number of articles critiquing various aspects of the convention so far on this site which are well worth reading. However, since the theme of my blog is the hard choice that must be made by thoughtful conservatives in this election, I’m posting the following:
“If David Duke Won, Would Republicans Have to Vote for Him?” by David Harsanyi, July 27, 2016.