Bible Christians Continue to Speak Out.


​A selection of quotations from Christians who refused to support Trump:

“This election was not a race to the top on matters of personal integrity; as Al Mohler, the vocally anti-Trump president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said during the campaign, if he were to support Trump, he would have to apologize to Bill Clinton, who he called out for sexual immorality in the ’90s.”

“You’ve now hitched your wagon to the GOP and Mr. Trump in ways that just ruin moral credibility in the country,” said Thabiti Anyabwile, a theologically conservative Baptist pastor in D.C. “I don’t know how you recover from that.”

“Beth Moore, who teaches a Bible-study curriculum and who declined to be interview for this article, caused an uproar when she spoke out on Twitter against the male evangelical leaders who were waving off Trump’s statements about “groping” women.”

“Evangelicals in this vote have created a pretty deadly and chilling effect on their witness to Christ and the gospel and the scriptures,” he said. “There’s not only a credibility problem in terms of the body politic. There’s also an evangelistic problem.” Thabiti Anyabwile

And finally, from Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission:
“When I spoke with him on Wednesday, Moore was a bit weary. ‘What I would have hoped to have seen this year, maybe even if people didn’t vote any differently than they did,’ he said, is that people would ‘take seriously as moral questions those issues of racial justice and reconciliation in this country.'”

You can read the entire article by clicking on the link below. When I first posted this article over on my facebook page, I characterized it as “disheartening.” But now, as I’ve thought about it further, I realize that it’s not disheartening at all that people’s true motives and beliefs are coming to the fore, that Christ is purifying and will purify His Church. He will not allow His name to be besmirched.

“There Will Be an Evangelical Reckoning Over Donald Trump”