Questions Rarely Asked by the Pro-Life Movement

I’ve been trying to talk myself out of writing this piece, mostly because there’s so much other good commentary out there on this subject. But over and over I find myself pondering these questions and seeing very few in the Evangelical pro-life movement who are addressing them. Let me emphasize that none of the following ideas is new with me, just that they don’t seem to get much if any airing in my circles. And that’s my purpose here: to give these ideas an airing. I’ll tell you up front that I’m not going to end with a list of quick and easy solutions. I just want to prod my readers, most of whom would identify as pro-life, to think about the ramifications of that term and to be able to engage in rational discourse with those who would disagree with them. We need the very best weapons available in the fight for life.

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What Are These People Thinking?

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

I haven’t written anything on this site for a long time, as there’s so much good stuff out there that’s much better than I can produce–plus, for the most part, those other writers are getting paid! But I wanted to do something brief today, sparked by my listening to two podcasts just in the last week or so. One was on the Matt K. Lewis podcast in an interview with Napp Nazworth, an editor at the Christian Post who put his money where his mouth is and resigned from said publication over the whole Christianity Today flap. If you’re not up on that issue, I’ll just say that CT published a solid editorial laying out why Donald Trump deserves to be removed from office. Nazworth explains why he resigned rather than be the editor in charge of publishing CP‘s rebuttal. But then he goes on to say some pretty scathing things (and deservedly so) about Wayne Grudem, whose flip-flops on Trump since 2016 have been legendary. Here’s the history of Dr. Grudem’s viewpoints:

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