Okay, now you can read the article. Take a deep breath first.
News and opinion for the intentional conservative
Okay, now you can read the article. Take a deep breath first.
Here’s what has happened in the media, though: the two candidates have each been pigeonholed. Clinton is corrupt; Trump is a clown. News that fits into these categories gets a lot of attention; news that doesn’t, doesn’t. And because Trump is so entertaining, with such a stream of gaffes (although he’s calmed down considerably of late–the iron hand of Kellyann Conway at work, no doubt), the focus stays there. Meanwhile the poor Clinton press corps has to plod along, trying to make e-mails interesting. She’s not providing new fodder every day, so there’s nothing for them to do but keep digging on what’s already out there, with periodic dumps of more of the same. As I say, serious stuff that needs to be addressed. But what isn’t addressed very much at all is Trump’s corruption. This may be changing, what with his use of the sickening Roger Ailes as an adviser and the whole Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi campaign contribution/dropping-of-case-against-Trump-“University” case. Here’s an excellent article from earlier this week on this whole issue:
I’ve said repeatedly on this blog, and will continue to say, that coming to the conclusion that I will vote for Clinton as the lesser of two evils is hardly an endorsement. It’s a recognition of practical reality. Better to know the positions of the person in power and be able to intelligently respond to those positions than to have someone running the show whose positions change every five minutes or so, and who is, I believe, dangerously unstable. Make sure you read Dr. Thomas Sowell’s excellent article on this very subject if you have not already done so. (I believe I posted this article over on facebook but did not include it on this page; I’ve used a different source here but the article is the same.)
I had planned to write a post today on the op-ed from Jerry Falwell Jr. concerning Trump’s Churchillian leadership qualities, and I will do so tomorrow, but I was visited by a wave of nostalgia and regret as I thought about what candidates the GOP could have nominated and why they didn’t do so.
You’re going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching, but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They’ll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages. But you—keep your eye on what you’re doing; accept the hard times along with the good; keep the Message alive; do a thorough job as God’s servant.