Evaluating Donald Trump’s Accomplishments–Number One on the List

Way, way back in those halcyon days (cliché alert!) of 2016 before the election, when everyone (including Donald Trump himself) thought that he couldn’t possibly win, there was a list circulating of all the wonderful things he’d do if the impossible happened and he indeed managed to get elected. I’m not going to dive back into the past to get the entire list, but I do remember that one of them was “Donald Trump will appoint the best people to the thousands of positions he’ll need to fill.” Well, ha to that one. I don’t think I need to say any more.

Recently, though, I was sent another list, this one of what our current President has accomplished in his first less-than-two years in office, so I decided to write a series of short posts taking on each point. Here’s the list, first of all:

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What Does It Mean to be Pro Life?

Am I pro life? You bet. When I became pregnant at age 41 with my son, the obstetrician suggested on my first visit that I get amniocentesis to test for Down syndrome so that . . . I stopped her. “I’m not interested.” She looked a bit taken aback. “But even if you aren’t going to terminate the pregnancy, you could know ahead of time about the child and be prepared.” Of course I still refused. “It won’t make any difference. And there’s a risk of miscarriage with that test.” She allowed as how that was true, and we went on from there. The subject was never brought up again. (That son is now earning an MFA in creative writing, by the way.)

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My Thoughts on the Kavanaugh Kerfuffle

How could all this have played out differently?

If people on both sides of the aisle had been willing to be even a little reasonable, we could have avoided this ugly, ugly fight.

1. The Democrats could have exercised a little caution and not filibustered Neil Gorsuch, who was and is a spotless, blameless nominee and was going to be confirmed one way or another. There was absolutely no reason for the Dems

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My Take on the Kavanaugh Controversy

Not that anybody asked me. But here’s my take: I think it’s entirely possible that Christina Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh are both telling the truth as they remember it.

How well do you remember events that occurred when you were “stumbling drunk”? I’ve drunk some wine on a very, very few occasions and remember a slight buzz, I guess, but I don’t know what being drunk is like. I’ve done a little bit of Wikipedia diving and found that yes, you can indeed forget/not be able to remember something that happened when you were very drunk.

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