Why are you excusing behavior that you have excoriated in Democrats?
Why are you causing a stain on the cause of Christianity by making it possible for the world to paint you as an utter and complete hypocrite?
I do not understand this. I can understand people holding their noses and saying, “I just can’t vote for Hillary. I will burst into flames if I do that.” Or saying, “I’ll vote for a third-party candidate.” I don’t agree with people who say that, as anyone who reads this blog knows. I’ve made my own position abundantly clear. But I can sympathize, to a certain extent.
What I cannot and will never understand is this painting of Trump as a good guy, as someone who will actually do all the fine things that he’s supposed to be going to do when he is such an obvious out-of-control bully, narcissist, sore loser, sexual predator, inciter of violence, cheater, liar, etc., etc., etc. I cannot understand the willful blindness that is operating here, and make no mistake–that is exactly what is happening. I am deeply ashamed and embarrassed by the misguided lack of reasoning that going on.
Here’s what I’m going to do: I’m going to issue a challenge to you if you’ve read this far. I challenge you to read the following article from the absolutely gobsmackingly good conservative website RedState. (And I don’t even agree with the author’s conclusion that he’s voting third party.) What has to be said, what needs to be said, is said brilliantly. Read it and then see if some of the shine has come off the golden boy.
“Seriously, Why Did We Give Up on Replacing Trump on the GOP Ticket?”
One reason I love this article is that it calls out Laura Ingraham and Jerry Falwell, Jr. Not Rush Limbaugh, not Ann Coulter, not Sean Hannity. But we can’t have everything we want in this world!
You’ll notice puh-lenty of anti-Hillary stuff on this website and even some “I’m going to vote for Trump” stuff, but no Trump cheerleading.
(Would I vote for Mike Pence if Trump really did step down? Sigh. A vote for Pence the Pliable? The thing of it is, there’s no provision for doing that in the RNC rules, and it’s too late anyway. I said way, way back at the beginning of this blog that the only way I wouldn’t vote for Hillary would be if the delegates staged a revolt and put someone else, someone even halfway decent, at the top of the ticket, and that didn’t happen.)
So open your eyes, and your mind, enough to take in some absolutely incisive commentary. It’s never too late to get back on track.