Making Peace in the Aftermath of the GOP Civil War.


Excellent article from Ben Shapiro, a conservative writer who has paid a heavy price for his hewing to principle by 1) resigning from Breitbart and 2) refusing to endorse Trump. You can say that the moderates in the Civil War that this election has become fall into three camps:

1) those who are voting for Trump in order to stop Clinton,
2) those who are voting for Clinton in order to stop Trump,
3) those who are voting some kind of third party in protest against either candidate.

I have said myself that I can understand and to a certain extent respect those in the #1 and the #3 camps even though I don’t agree with them. His point is that these groups are going to have to work together if there’s going to still be any kind of coherent conservative movement going forward. I urge you to read his solid analysis.

Then there are the Trump cheerleaders, some of whom, we hope, can be brought to their senses after seeing their candidate soundly trounced:

1) those I call the Water Carriers for Trump, who have completely hitched their wagons to the Trump star and will not, under any circumstance, ever admit that they’re wrong,
2) those who are supporting Trump because he appeals to their worldviews, however dark and conspiracy-laden those may be,
3) those who sincerely believe that Trump is everything the above two camps say that he is. There is hope for this group. But they must come out of the echo chamber created by the first two groups in this category and accept reality.

“Never Trumpers and Reluctant Trump Supporters, Stop Questioning Each Others’ Motives”