Now the Real Battle Begins.


 I find myself completely overwhelmed with the sheer volume of material I want to get across to my readers. So many good,thoughtful people on all areas of the political spectrum coming forward, or continuing to come forward, saying that we must hold the line against the man who has now been elected President. We must not normalize his behavior. Just to give an example of the range of voices out there, w-a-a-y over on the right (but not, to be absolutely and completely clear, the alt-right) is To the right of center is Jennifer Rubin ​of the Right Turn Blog at the Washington Post. And pretty far over on the left is, whose podcast, “Trumpcast,” has been sounding the alarm since before the Republican National Convention. 

I will be addressing the questions next week, What is a Christian’s proper attitude towards his government? What is Paul asking us to do when he says to pray for our leaders? And what is the concept of “the loyal opposition”? So much to say! For today, though, I will post Rubin’s article from earlier this week. I hope and pray that voices such as hers will not be silenced.

“Who Will Stand Up to Trump?”