Sigh. So everything is now copacetic, huh?


President Trump managed to read off a teleprompter and act like a grownup for an entire hour last night during his address to Congress. Great swathes of the media, left, right and center, are going bonkers. He’s acting Presidential! He’s finally pivoted! We’re going to be okay!

Folks, he hasn’t changed. I would love, love, love to know what the process was in writing that speech. You just

have to imagine that there was a lot of talk about making a splash and calming down (not easy to do at the same time). There seems to be a consensus of opinion that the speech was largely a product of Steve Bannon and Ivanka Trump. So he gets all the immigration stuff, and she gets the childcare leave stuff. But it’s all great. He didn’t call any names, or bash the media, or talk about the size of his inauguration crowd or his electoral college margin. And so now we’re good to go, right?

Not so much. I’ve already posted an article on Facebook about the cynical use of a fallen hero’s wife as a prop. I’m sure she felt that she had to be there, so no criticism of her is intended in any way. The two articles below do some fact-checking and some conservative-agenda-checking. Why even bother? Because we have the job as citizens of refusing to let our leaders blindside us. We as conservatives must recognize how profoundly un-conservative the Trump agenda really is. We as Christians must recognize that not one single socially-conservative idea was promoted last night, with the exception of a plug for Neil Gorsuch to be confirmed quickly. As the pro-life website LifeSiteNews points out, his speech didn’t directly mention life, marriage, or religious liberty at all.

So hold off on the champagne. Nothing has changed. I’m going to keep on a-postin’ here and on Facebook in the hopes of fanning at least a few flames of true Christian conservatism. Here are the two articles:

“Last Night, Conservatives Gave Up on Conservatism”

“Fact-Checking President Trump’s Address to Congress”

