Hmmm. This is referring to the massive tax cut that, along with the massive budget, is going to add to our deficit–massively?
Need I say more?
Hmmm. This is referring to the massive tax cut that, along with the massive budget, is going to add to our deficit–massively?
Need I say more?
Number Two on the Laundry List of Donald Trump’s Accomplishments
Here’s the next on the list I was sent:
2. Empowered military.
As I said yesterday, this is a very generalized, generic list, but since these ideas are used as talking points to support the President I’m addressing them as well as I can.
I think what this second point must be referring to is the idea that, as the Washington Examiner (a pro-Trump news outlet) says, “Empowered military leaders to ‘seize the initiative and win,’ reducing the need for a White House sign off on every mission.” That announcement has indeed been made by the White House. I’m not at all sure that the WH has ever had to “sign off on every mission,” but we’ll accept it as read.
As long-time readers of this blog and Facebook page know, I don’t write very many articles myself. So many excellent writers out there are saying such good things, much better than I could possibly do, that I usually content myself with posting a selection of said articles with perhaps a short intro from me. But every now and then I feel compelled to weigh in a little more when I get particularly riled up, a reaction that often happens when I get some particularly outrageous comment on Facebook.
This morning at around 2:00 as I lay awake in bed (I was having one of my insomniac nights), I realized that my appetite for continuing to post on this page has dried up. In particular I was thinking about the next episode of my political podcast in which I was planning to give a brief overview of the stretch of time from June 2015 to the 2016 conventions, tracing how Donald Trump became the nominee. But the thought that struck me was, ‘What’s the point?’ I’ve been posting my own and others’ articles for well over a year and half, spending hours that could have been allocated better, and to what avail? I know there are people who have really appreciated my efforts and have been introduced to writers and publications they wouldn’t otherwise have known about, and that’s a good thing. But have I changed any hearts and minds? I would say that, sadly, the answer is almost certainly no.
I just don’t know where to begin here. Dennis Prager, a well-known conservative commentator whose articles run once in awhile on National Review Online, has produced another head-scratcher titled “A Defense of Evangelicals Who Support Trump.” Just what we need! Erick Erickson, a true Christian conservative, has already written a rebuttal in which he says, “Dennis Prager Is Just Wrong Here.” To which I say, “Yay, Erick!” I want to do a little more eviscerating on points not covered by Erickson. My main divergence of opinion with Erickson is his insistence that Christians didn’t need to dirty their hands in the last election by voting for either major-party candidate or indeed by voting at all, but that’s a topic I’ve covered more than thoroughly and so I won’t go into it here.